Some of these are mine and some I found on the net...all are completely true.
You know you're the parent of a preemie when...1) You can recite your baby's medical chart by heart backwards sideways and in pig latin but can't remember what you ate for breakfast.
2) You constantly get asked "Oh, are you a nurse?" when you spout off a string of medical terms.
3) Your friends get teary eyed when their babies get shots, and you can hold your baby down while they get a catheter or a new PICC line and not bat an eye or flinch.
4) Your "newborn stories" involve bowel sounds, desats, and a gross sound effect used to describe the air leak around your son's ET tube.
5) You realize that he will be 2 before he can fit into any of the outfits that friends and family gave you at your baby shower.
6) You cherish that stuffed animal that they used in NICU to place on your baby in the incubator to make him feel more secure.
7) You buy hand sanitizer in bulk.
8) When, as soon as you find out you're expecting baby #2, you quickly count the months to see if you'll deliver during RSV season.
9) You know what RSV is.
10) When the thought of a law that requires children to use a booster seat in the car until they reach 80lbs makes you wonder how they will ever let him get his license using a booster seat.
11) You can convert your babies weight from grams to ounces in your head.
12) People can't get over how small he is at 5lbs and you just laugh because you know he's gained 3.5 lbs since you first held him.
13) You actually know how many CCs make up an ounce.
14) You turn into Kung-Fu Mom when someone tries to touch your baby.
15) You want to scream when someone says that she just wants to have this baby already - at week 28, 32, or 34.