Since Nick is now
MRSA negative and doing so well, he no longer needs a level III NICU so he's going to a level II. He's getting transferred to Wake Med Cary this afternoon - which is only 8 mi away from home as oppsed to Duke which is 25. So that is good news! He's
almost what the nurses call "a feeder and a grower" - it means he has no health issues or problems, he's there just to grow big and strong enough to come home. Once he gets the hang of the bottle he'll definitely be ready to graduate. I held him for an hour then changed his diaper and put him in his preemie Elmo outfit for the trip to Cary.
Sean came home (after 6 weeks) at 4lbs 6oz. so we're getting close!! I remember taking Sean to his 1st Dr. visit and one lady looked at him in the elevator and said "He's so small!!!!!!!!!!" I'm like "What do you mean he's huge!" Well when you're born at 2lbs and a few spare ounces, 5lbs seems like a porker!
Thank you to all the doctors and nurses at Duke who were so awesome! Forgive me I don't want to miss anyone (I didn't start learning names until a couple weeks into the game): Kim K., Annette, Alicia, Lori, Michelle, Ashby, Kathleen, Randi, Rachel, Karen, Kaleigh, Julie, Lisa, Mary, Tana, Shanda, Nicole - you're great you made all the difference!