Good day at the NICU! Held Nick for an hour and 45 min. and he slept the whole time. He was one worn out baby today. After the IV/antibiotics and bowel xrays yesterday, today he had his eye exam for ROP (retinopathy of prematurity) and a head ultrasound. The eye exam left his poor eyes red but the results were very good...no sign of ROP. The ultrasound was also good...no sign of cerebral hemorhage. They dressed him in a way-too-big onesie. The size is "under 10lbs" so you could fit 3 of Nick in it...but it's so cute.
Monday June 11, 2007
I went up to the hospital this morning and found out that they had taken xrays of Nicks bowels because they didn't sound quite right and he had some residual in his stomach which indicates that he wasn't digesting as well as he had been. They were concerned about NEC - necrotizing enterocolitis which a large percentage of preemies can get. It's an infection of the intestines that can eat away the walls and cause perforations. The doctor said his first xray was borderline so they weren't really sure...in his words "it could be nothing or it could be devastating" Here is a link that explains it more http://www.hoinews.com/news/news_story.aspx?id=21913
I just turned around and came home because they had to put an IV in and a bunch of other needle sticks to do blood cultures and I couldn't stand to watch that. It would've been over an hour and I thought he could use the rest after all that. We waited all afternoon for the results of the 2nd xray and at 6:00pm -Bri called the nurse and everything is ok. He doesn't have NEC!
Even though formula is very good these days, breastmilk is easier digested in most cases so it could've been just the transition from breastmilk to formula or just a random thing - So another bullet dodged! He's 3lbs 2oz as of last night and eating 19.3ml/hr (about 7oz./day). He looks downright plump at this weight (compared to a few weeks ago!).
I went up to the hospital this morning and found out that they had taken xrays of Nicks bowels because they didn't sound quite right and he had some residual in his stomach which indicates that he wasn't digesting as well as he had been. They were concerned about NEC - necrotizing enterocolitis which a large percentage of preemies can get. It's an infection of the intestines that can eat away the walls and cause perforations. The doctor said his first xray was borderline so they weren't really sure...in his words "it could be nothing or it could be devastating" Here is a link that explains it more http://www.hoinews.com/news/news_story.aspx?id=21913
I just turned around and came home because they had to put an IV in and a bunch of other needle sticks to do blood cultures and I couldn't stand to watch that. It would've been over an hour and I thought he could use the rest after all that. We waited all afternoon for the results of the 2nd xray and at 6:00pm -Bri called the nurse and everything is ok. He doesn't have NEC!
Even though formula is very good these days, breastmilk is easier digested in most cases so it could've been just the transition from breastmilk to formula or just a random thing - So another bullet dodged! He's 3lbs 2oz as of last night and eating 19.3ml/hr (about 7oz./day). He looks downright plump at this weight (compared to a few weeks ago!).
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